韻精品非常高興地宣布其紐約辦事處盛大開幕。 與 Ariel 預約並帶上您的首飾盒以獲取風格指南,或者隨時申請定制首飾來款待自己。首次預約時,您將獲得 1 件珠寶 50% 的折扣。此外,未來我們將開設 DIY 珠寶課程,讓您能夠將神聖的中國文化帶給您的靈感帶入生活。地址:WeWork 315 W 36th St, New York, NY 10018(僅限預約)
Andrea Hayley
12月 04, 2016
Congratulations Ariel on your new office. This is a big step in growing your business and sharing the beauty of Chinese culture and your inspiring personal story with more people. Wish you all the best!