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Behind the Design: The Predestined Love Collection

February 11, 2016 2 min read

Remember the day you met your special someone? Maybe it was a few months ago, or a few decades ago. What if we told you that the two of you have known each other for lifetimes?

In the Divine Land there's a legend about the “Rock of Three Lifetimes.” Upon this rock is recorded all the relationships that are meant to be across the span of three lifetimes. Everyone who lives under the domain of the Divine Land has his or her name on this rock.

Gods keep close watch over it and make sure that no matter how disparate two people's circumstances may be, they will meet somehow. And when this meeting happens, it will appear completely ordinary. A mutual friend introduces you or you end up on the same project at school or work.

I originally conceived of the design for this Predestined Love necklace and earring set shortly after I met my husband. I had just decided to stay in the United States as a political asylee to raise awareness about the persecution of Falun Gong in China.

I barely knew anyone in this country. In the midst of insecurity about the future, I met Matt, a reporter who has written extensively about human rights issues in China. Shortly after, we were married. It seemed like a reward for doing the right thing and making the hard choice to uproot my life for the sake of my conscience.

The spiral on the Predestined Love necklace represents the often circuitous route that we take life after life to reunite with our loved ones. The nephrite jade represents the Rock of Three Lifetimes as jade is believed to be "stone of heaven” in ancient China. Finally, the two pearls are our couple, reunited in this lifetime.

We hope you make it a sweet and meaningful Valentine's Day. Shop the Predestined Love collection here.

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